Sunday, June 19, 2011


And I will henceforth remember June 11th as the day that Melissa Landon FINALLY got a new scooter!  I’d been scooterless for nearly four months. And for my 20th birthday, like I’d been hoping, I got a new scooter!

Here it is! Isn’t it beautiful?

I was very excited. I’m at camp right now, so I don’t have it with me. But there it sits in the garage, waiting for me to return. I’ll ride it up and down the street once I get back! And then it will come to college with me, of course.


I am a happy camper.
Quite literally. J


  1. still needs a helmet. nice that it is labeled soes you knows what it is LOL

  2. Aunt Angela?

    Haha. I don't even use a helmet with a bike. Don't worry—I've only crashed once. It wasn't fatal. :)

    Oh and HI! :)
